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Monday, July 5, 2010

Apes on a Vulcan

Here's the nasty old bars my friend gave and grips and risers I got at the swapmeet.

I'm going to have them powdercoated blasted aluminum, but I wanted to mock them up first to see if the cables work and make sure they would be comfortable. I painted them silver first, but it was just too Okie chrome, so went with black for mock and shakedowns.
Off with old bars and risers. COVER THE TANK FIRST!
Top clamps off.
The tach mount bolt was tight.
Now the risers have to go.
New shorty risers.
Bars on. I never thought I would say this but fatty bars would actually look cooler, but free bars look better than $160 ones, right now any way.
Brake M/C mounted. When I do the covered stainless lines I will need straight banjo fittings instead of the stock 15 deg ones.
There's a little tab in the throttle control box that has to go to fit these bars.
The next problem is the sliding part of the throttle grip I want to use is too big for the hole in the throttle box. I didn't realized when I started, but other folks have enlarged the hole with any problems. I'll just run the grips that was running.
Okay, throttle cables are long enough, but would fit better if they were 135 degrees instead of 90, then I broke the throttle cable.
On to the clutch side. Big boy had to help a little.
Big boy tries it out.
The big man likes it, too!

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