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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Gaitors! Gators!?

I'm back to taking apart the front end for powercoat.
Wheel off.

Drain the fork oil. (Don't leave the drain pan were it can be knocked over later.)

Loosen the pinch bolts, and the tubes slide right out.

Here's my gaitors. 41mm from the local harley-type store.

Get these covers off and not tear stuff up. They are tight.

I thought these two bolts were the only thing holding the beer cans on, but no you have to everything off the triple tree to get to one more bolt.

Windshield hardware has to go.

Note this is one more place you have to grind to fit a Cobra lightbar with a Memphis Shafe windshield.

Headlight and spotbar have to move.

One bolt holds the top fork cover.

On the left 1500 upper fork cover with the notches for the turn signal stuff.
On the right 800 drifter upper fork cover with no notch for the turn signal. You need the rubbers for the 800 drifter covers, too.

800 Drifter parts fit with no extra holes.

Last bolt for the beer can.

One more thing to make the drifter parts work. Remove the little tabs on the lower tree cover.

Perfect! I'm glad I found this before the powdercoating.

Gaitor ons! I love it, it did a good job of de-chroming the front end. I could probably get away without powdercoating the rest.

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