Topical Link Pages

Friday, September 12, 2014

Building Topic Specific Link Pages - Shovelhead Maintenance Related Links Page

Well, I'm 4 years and over 400 posts into this blog. I never thought it would get this out of hand. Anywhoo, the label function and even my custom google search block aren't getting me or my readers to the posts we need to see very well, so I have decide to organize my posts onto pages specific to topic. So folks interested in one bike can read just those. (Seriously, what kind of wierdo has a 1500 Kawasaki Vulcan, a Shovelhead, a couple little Honda's, a dang mini-van?) Plus my posts are all A.D.D. and I switch back and forth between projects and let projects sit for months at a time. So without further ado...the first page I've built:

Shovelhead Maintenance Related Links

This should cover things that apply to most all Shovelheads. I will build a page related to things that mostly only apply to my Shovelhead as well.

I have to build like ten more pages and then a page with just links to those pages.

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