Black on black. Keep it classy.
This camping spot is such a great venue.
Into Bonham for a bite to eat. We highly recommend The Shepard Family Cafe, if you get out this way.
It ain't a Shovelhead party until something breaks. Hyram's neat sissybar wasn't quite up to the full on camping gear load and metal fatigue set in and lots of vibes later it broke. The wires that lit up the glass door knob grounded out and blew the fuse for the whole bike. And of course we didn't have spare fuses.
I helped a little bit with the repairs, but of course, I took some wildflower pictures, too, though.
We made it back to camp.
Hyrum fixed his sissy bar. If you can't fix it with bailing wire and electrical tape, then you ain't using enough.
Shemp resting his eyes.
A toast to KentRRRR.
Mark didn't leave much for the rest of us.