It's not the sidestand switch, if it won't start. It just won't run with sidestand "down" and in gear, with the clutch out.
So here's the troubleshoot.
First check the battery voltage. It should be 12.5 or more. Then check that the positive and negative connection are clean and tight on the battery. Check that the ground wire is not broken and is connect good and tight to the engine block.
Now watch the battery voltage when you hit the button if it drops off then it's a battery problem.
If the starter spins, but it doesn't check the ignition fuse in fuse box.(maybe blown?)
See if the starter is bad, by checking the stud on top of it. It should have ~12.5v of power when you hit the button. If it's hot and the nothing spins then get a starter motor.
If it's not hot start here.
Here's a the hot side of the starter circuit.
Battery, Main Fuse, Ignition(key) switch. (Those are good if you have lights working.)
Cut-off Switch by throttle(may be bad or turned off)(Being off has called a wrecker or two before.)
Starter Button(maybe bad)
Relay in junction box(sticking or bad connection)
The ground side of this relay comes from either the neutral switch or clutch switch.
No neutral light, switch or connection.
The starter interlock switch is at the clutch lever if that's unplugged or loose you'll get no start with a neutral light or by pulling the clutch lever.
If it starts with clutch pulled or in neutral, but not the other, you can figure it out.
If the junction relay is working, it feeds a hot to another relay with the main fuse. Check that relay it feeds the starter motor.
Please remember that the sidestand switch does affect the starting on 1600.
ReplyDeleteHow do I check my kickstand on my Vulcan nomad 1500 it’s a 2001 model
DeleteNo neutral light at all. Starts with clutch in but not with kickstand down. Neutral switch
ReplyDeleteI have a question sorry I am a noob. You probably cover it. 1500 won't start, in neutral, clutch in or out. Lol no sidestands issue! When I hit the start button key on run switch on. All I here is click. I have starter in hand. But want to hear your advice please.
ReplyDeleteCheck the plug on the clutch switch.
ReplyDeleteWhat plug on the clutch cable are you talking about
DeleteLook underneath the clutch master cylinder. You'll see a switch that is operated by the clutch lever.
DeleteQuestion: I have a 2005 VN2000. Battery is good, starter turns when I hit the button, but will NOT fire up.
ReplyDeleteBike is in nuetral, kickstand down. Bike is very clean, always garaged. Starter just turns over and over- but the bike will not start up. Thoughts?
I have this same problem. 2005 Vulcan 2000. 20 k miles. Just bought it. Rode about 600 miles....including 150 miles inna rain storm. After two weeks. Wont start. New battery. Will turn kver but not start.
DeleteIt's an ignition problem not a starting problem. Does the fuel pump hum? Does it have spark? The ignition has wire that needs a resistor inline to work like a 1500 search my blog for that. I had a youtube video somewhere.
ReplyDeleteI have a 2001 kawasaki 1500 nomad that keeps blowing solenoid. I can start it no problem with a screw driver. Anything I can do? Thank you
DeleteAfter a prolonged 'down time' and extension hose line, fuel pump, tank and battery replacement, the starter make the most horrendous gear-grinding noise, and bike won't start. Also, I no longer hear the fuel pump engage when I turn switch 'on'. All lights and gauges appear normal. Have I wired something backward?
ReplyDeleteIF the starter tries and sounds awful it's the starter drive or wear it engages.
Delete1992 1500 no lights, no start, no horn unless I go straight to the battery. Battery is good, goes to starter seleniod nothing after that.I can take the Brown wire from ignition switch and go directly to the battery and get horn, tail light, but nothing else?
ReplyDeleteMainfuse? I have a post on how to find that.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi there just a Kawasaki 1500 in with starting issue bike is mint and was used a few months bangin and popping on tryin to possible spark my question..on spark test I've noticed that all 4 plugs spark on egnition turn on..very unusuall this and not sure if I've seen this any help would be good before I strip it..
ReplyDeleteOk incase it's confusing..ignition on..then as soon as run switch is set to run.then all 4 plugs will spark constantly.I can even here them sparking with plugs in..very confused with this and not see or heard this can it start like something a miss here but can't get my head around it..
DeleteOk incase it's confusing..ignition on..then as soon as run switch is set to run.then all 4 plugs will spark constantly.I can even here them sparking with plugs in..very confused with this and not see or heard this can it start like something a miss here but can't get my head around it..
DeleteI've got a 1999 Nomad and it fired right up two weeks ago but to no avail now. I took off the ignition switch to get a key made and lights are on, starter works, all no problem. I've checked the battery out and it seems good, but the exhaust smells like gas so I'm checking the spark plugs tomorrow. I know it has carburator issues but I'm not sure it's that considering it was running two weeks ago. Any thoughts?
ReplyDeleteAdditionally, the fuel pump doesn't "hum" when I turn the key on. I think I have some electrical compnent burned up, but as a novice I need some help triangulating the issue.
DeleteAdditionally, the fuel pump doesn't "hum" when I turn the key on. I think I have some electrical compnent burned up, but as a novice I need some help triangulating the issue.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHave a 1996 Kawasaki Vulcan 800 Classic and in from the turn signal,horn, and low/dim selector is a cable that comes out from the right side of the control box and goes directly into a plug just below the left side of the handlebars. The wiring diagram from what I can tell indicates this as the starter lockout. I bought this bike from a friend and was doing some basic maintenence when I found that this plug happens to have bare copper wire wound up and stuffed inside the male end of this plug which was then shoved back into the female connector attached to the handlebar. I found after removing it that I was able to start the bike with the stand up or down and the clutch pulled in but, when I put the bike in gear and let off the clutch the bike just dies, it runs absolutely fine until I put it in gear and try to hit the friction zone. I have now stuffed said wound copper wire back into the male plug and returned it to the female connector and the bike is capable of riding again. So it seems that by jumping this cable I am able to resume seemingly normal operation of the bike. Any idea what the heck I stumbled onto here? Any help would be appreciated. Is it simply a bad starter lockout or possibly something else? I am somewhat mechanicaly capable and did not catch this issue last summer when I purchased the motorcycle as the plug appeared to be properly connected leaving no indication that something was amiss.
ReplyDelete'96 Vulcan 1500: Starter will not engage. Rapid clicking sound under the tank when starter button is pushed. solenoid good. tank empty, all lights and horn work. Any ideas?
ReplyDeleteI have the same problem here. Did you manage to solve it?
DeleteOk here's my issue. I have a 2000 1500 Vulcan Classic FI. I went for a ride a few days ago like any other day. Got on the old girl turned the key on lights came on fuel pump hummed like always hit the start button with stand up and in neutral nothing. Replaced starter and starter relay. Still nothing. By accident I touched negative to negative battery post while I was holding start button and she fired up. So I think there is a short but where oh where could it be. It has me baffled beyond rational thought. Ready to pull my Effie hair out please help!
ReplyDeleteNegative to negative?
DeleteI have a 2000 vulcan 800 classic. N my ignition fuse keeps popping. Soon as i slip it in gear n start goin. Pop. Where shoupd i start
ReplyDeleteI have no spark from plugs on my 1996 Vulcan 1500-d. nor does the fuel pump come on. I turn the key and I have no lights nothing until I try starting it then headlights pop on, whats the malfunction here?
ReplyDeleteI have a 2001 Kawasaki Vulcan 800 classic I can charge the battery or put jumper cables on it and it starts right up but if I ride it and stop somewhere it does not start again and sounds as if sylenoid is just clicking still have lights and can push start it or jump it off and runs fine again, I've changed out voltage regulator thinking that might be the cause but not the case apparently.. I know it could possibly be a number of things, could it possibly be starter, sylenoid, starter switch maybe idk but any helpful advice would be appreciated THANK YOU..
ReplyDelete96 vulcan 900 starts in nuetral only and when try to put in gear it shuts off, can't hold clutch in and start anywhere but nuetral please help
ReplyDeleteI have a 2007 1600 kawasaki nomad, battery is full, just changed the starter cylenoid, and note I get no fire when I turn the ignition key on. No power at all. No lights at all. Please help.
ReplyDeleteMain fuse.
DeleteI have a 1997 Vulcan the neutral light won't come on and it will not crank unless you mash clutch in it's sounding like it's missing on one cylinder what could be the problem.
ReplyDeletewhere is the main fuse on a 2010 kawasaki vulcan 900 custom
ReplyDeletewhere is the main fuse on my 2010 kawasaki vulcan 900 custom
ReplyDeleteI have a 2003 Kawasaki Vulcan nomad 1500 FI. When I turn the key on there's no power to anything. I started to trace the issue down and found the 30amp fuse in the starter relay solenoid was blown. I replaced it. When I turned the key on I once again had full power and the fuel pump engaged. However, when I pushed the start button it popped and all power was gone again. I made sure all my connections were clean and tight and installed another 30amp fuse and tried again. When I turned the key I had full power and the fuel pump engaged, and when I hit the start button it popped and lost all power once again. Can you help?
ReplyDeleteHey my buddy is having the same problem any luck on yours??? Thanks if you found out anything!
DeleteI have a 99 vulcan nomad 1500. My water indicator light comes on and my bike seems to wana cut off but then light turns off and bike runs smooth what can be the problem. I checked my coolant level and it is fine
ReplyDeleteThiss is a constant problem when i ride
ReplyDeleteThiss is a constant problem when i ride
ReplyDeleteHello, I'm riding a 2000 Kawasaki Vulcan Nomad 1500. Yesterday my buddy and I were out for a ride, and the bike intermittently lost power for a sec,about 15 miles down the road as a was passing a truck, it completely died. It looked as if the Dfi in line fuse was blown, even after replaced nothing.The fuel pump doesn't hum anymore, and it sounds like a solenoid is clicking....Any common solutions to this before I tear gods thing apart?
ReplyDeleteHello, I'm riding a 2000 Kawasaki Vulcan Nomad 1500. Yesterday my buddy and I were out for a ride, and the bike intermittently lost power for a sec,about 15 miles down the road as a was passing a truck, it completely died. It looked as if the Dfi in line fuse was blown, even after replaced nothing.The fuel pump doesn't hum anymore, and it sounds like a solenoid is clicking....Any common solutions to this before I tear gods thing apart?
ReplyDelete2001 1500 classic carbureted has fire has fuel has compression will not start turns over just fine. started once ran for 30 seconds coughed,popped and died. will not start now. Can't find any blown fuses either.
ReplyDeleteI have an 1800 nomad that I shut off at the store and has not started sence. Bummer I know. So far I figured out I'm never buying and old police bike again, and that the coils get power but still have no spark. I don't know if one of the safteys would cause this or not. Any help is appreciated
ReplyDeleteTurns over no spark.
It seems like it is trying to turn over, but it doesn't.
ReplyDeleteI have a 1992 kawasaki Vulcan 1500. It doe lights on but it won't cranking when neutral light on still nothing crank. I pulled clutch in and side stand is up still same again. I need help fix solve it problem...
ReplyDeleteHave a 99/1500J Drifter No Lights/No Crank/No Start. Is it the Ignition Switch or a ECU Problem?
ReplyDelete(Old email Address is no one Thank You!
04 vulcan 1500
ReplyDeletestopped for gas one day bike would not start, there was a clicking coming from the relay. took it to autozone to get a new battery (went through 2 that day trying to get it to start ) unplugged the black and yellow ground wire it started up but back fired and ran bad reconnected the b/y wire and it started and ran fine for a day. then i removed the plastic connection on the b/y wire and soldered it together it ran great for a week no problems. i stopped and was parked for an hour came back to start the bike back to the same issue with the clicking. i took a car battery and connected it to the bike battery on the positive side but grounded it out on the frame it started up no problem i rode it home about 10 miles checked the volts on the battery while running 14.5 volts killed the bike 12.5 volts it would not start again back to the clicking. i cut the b/y wire once again and it started.
ive pulled the starter and had it tested its good ive pulled the spark plugs to see if it was hydrolocked but it still would not turn over clicking still. i tried to pull the ground off the block the bolt holding it broke moved the ground wire to another location and sanded the paint off the frame in the new location and on the ground wire. im done beating my head on the floor trying to figure this out i need some help
1997Kawasaki VN1500 D turn the key on I have all lights on but when I hit starter button it don't do anything. Not even a click. All help appreciated. Thanks
ReplyDeleteHello i got a 1500 nomad key was lost i put the wiers together like said to do it will trune over but no spark
DeleteI have 2009 1700 voyager won't start in neutral but will start in gear
ReplyDeleteMine want start with bottom some add unless I short out the relay but I have to be pushing the add on bottom at the same time 6829366209 please text me answer
ReplyDeleteMy kawasaki nomad 1500. The pro lem that I am having is I can ride but when I shut it off it is hard to start back up. The person I bought it from had some Vance and Hines pipes out on. If the bike is not tuned to the pipes would that be the problem?
ReplyDeleteVn1500 carb 2004 dont want to start when is cold. New battery, new spark plug fitted. Once when start , after minute or more cranking, and get warm absolute no problem for starting. What can be a problem? Many thanks
ReplyDeleteVn1500 carb 2004 dont want to start when is cold. New battery, new spark plug fitted. Once when start , after minute or more cranking, and get warm absolute no problem for starting. What can be a problem? Many than
ReplyDelete1999 Vulcan drifter no start when hot and when warmed up about half throttle it coughs and hacks and back fires like clock work if you shut it off hot it will not restart could my coils be shutting down when hot? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated
ReplyDeleteThe mechanic says my oil pump is gone so my engine is seized. 2005 1500 vulcan this possible and is there a way I can fix with out having to tear apart engine case..
ReplyDeleteQuestion regarding my 03 Vulcan 1600 Classic.. it doesn't crank. New battery installed,13.0V. When I hit the start button I get a loud click at the relay but nothing happens. All lights stay on including neutral light . Help :(
ReplyDeleteI have a 94 Vulcan VN1500A8
ReplyDeleteWhen I turn the key on the Starter just Keeps Cranking even though I'm not touching the Button and it has no Spark at the Plugs The Starter wire is Hot All the time the Switch is on Could it be the Solenoid
Thank you
200,1500 Vulcan, new starter and relay. Starter engages then disengaged and makes a whirring sound. Any suggestions?
ReplyDeleteI have a 1994, 1500 Vulcan that I changed the clutch spring on it and now I don't get any spark to the spark plugs and the brake light doesn't work with the foot brake lever. Before I changed the clutch spring every thing worked just fine. I've tried changing several things and I still get no spark to the plugs. Have you any ideas.
ReplyDelete2006 Vulcan 1500 Classic: When cool starts and runs just fine. On hot days runs fine until I stop and turn off. Will not start. everything looks ready to start but I push the start button and get only a soft click. I let the bike sit for a while 10 to 30 mins and it starts right up. Take it home and turn it off then nothing. If it sits I can restart it. Intermittent so hard to trace.
I'm working on a friends Kawa 1500 and when the key is on, I have power to the gauges and front/rear running lights but not headlight, horn, or starter. I checked the 4 fuses, 10 amp, and they were good. Not sure why there is a spare 30 amp fuse. Is there a 30 amp fuse somewhere?
ReplyDeleteOK, I found the main fuse and its good so I have blinkers and gauges but no headlight or starter. I guess I need to trace out all the headlight and starter wires. Probably a ground that is corroded from sitting for 5-6 years or more.
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