The guy that sold it to me wouldn't sell me the wheel to go with it. He said he was going with a hydraulic frontend on his build and wanted to keep the wheel to use it. He did leave me the spacers so I need to wheel to work with what I have. I was skeptical, because it didn't seem like enough spacers.
In the past I have made assumption about "parts is parts" and I have been very wrong. I figured that the wheel was very specific for a Springer. I also was lucky enough to run across a 97 Heritage Springer and Crossbones to take pictures of. I assumed that the little spacer on the 97 and the fender support on the Crossbones were similar. NOPE. Daniel Martin from Longbow Customs helped explained the situation to me.

Everything before 2000 was a Timken bearings and needed different spacers and such.This is the pre-2000 Heritage spacer for a Tinken bearing. It's what you can't see that matters.

Anywho, Daniel went on to explain that most any hub for 2000-up 16 incher for Springer or Hydro Softail will work. Here's a little more specific info.