Big jug of Pine Sol.
Really nasty CT70 Carb. I bought this nasty thing for $10 and shipping was $15 and yeah I paid too much. All I need really was a good bowl. This thing is nasty rusty and crusty sand on the outside, almost like it was buried at some point.
Crusty on the inside, too. I knocked out the loose parts of this with a pick.
Another gross "before' picture.
I needed the bowl, but I wanted to save everything I could, but the sand or something in the airscrew threads means that most likely this top is now junk for sure.
I needed some dip baskets for the little parts, so a spare permanent coffee filter and a tea diffuser seemed like good ideas.
Put the parts in the pot.
Cover with Pine Sol.
Set it and forget it. Low only for this experiment.
Pretty cool to watch the oil rainbows bubble up.
Finish about 4 hrs later.
Foamy mess.
The worst is still not great. This stuff was softer and a little pick work and washing helped, but the bowl and top will go back in the pot.
The intake cleaned up very nicely. All the gasket material wiped right off.
I didn't even notice the gasket on the insulator because it was stuck so tight, but the heat and Pine Sol softened things and it came right apart. Sadly the insulator was already cracked an it's not reusable.
This looks good.
Mostly good, some crude in the filter cover. That cover will go back in the pot, too.
The tea diffuser wasn't meant for that kind of heat and duration.
Needle got stuck.
The coffee filter did fine though.
The top, bowl, and filter cover went back in the pot for another hour. The aluminum was getting soft so this is the final results. These were pretty nasty, and I don't have enough experience to gauge if a Chem-tool soak would have given better results.
I was surprised how the Pine Sol knocked the nasty rust on the steel parts. There was still nasty sand stuck on the outside of the carb, time for more pick work.
i do the same thing but i use anti frieze instead of pine sol.