Kurykan Iso-grips. Used. I hand them on my 1500 Kawasaki and they should other models. Look great, work great, and feel great $30 plus actual shipping
Dual fire tach with one inch bar clamp. Used. Worked great on my Kawasaki 1500, lightbulb is burnt out, but replacements are readily available. $40 plus shipping. I will sell two piece top riser clamp set with it for $10 more.
4 by 1 Risers. Thread for 1/2-13 Useable not perfect. The will fit on 1500 Kawasaki Classic with adaptors or a drilled top tree. They have dimple from being installed with a bolt that was too long, but they still work. $20 plus shipping. I can sell two piece top clamp with them ONLY if the tach buyer doesn't want them for $10 more.

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