Loaded up and ready to go.
First fuel stop. Full size cab over and trailer on its end in Northern Oklahoma.
I need to really get a helmet cam, because I didn't take another picture for 400 more miles. Time to meet up with my best friends from the innerwebs again.
The bar had both of my favorite flavors.
This why you need a hammer on a motorcycle.
Home sweet home for a few days.
About a quart low.
Broke clutch cable, but they got it drug in.
SSSHHHHHH! Don's still sleeping.
BikerX775 shows what he thinks of cameras and BlackshovelPaul.
Maybe the ignition, maybe the valves.
How do the plugs look?
Plenty of gas everywhere.
Stuck float? Nope a bad vent on the gas cap on a dang hot day.
Chillin' in some A/C.
I was playing with the panoramic feature on my camera. Click on them to get a better look.
They advertised ribs, but they were feather bones.
Dinner time for sure.
"nom, nom, nom..."
"Hey, what are you looking at?"
Johnny, where do you find shorts like this in Nebraska?
That's how they did it in 1929.
Saturday's memorial run from Yutan to Louisville.
Going to see Mikie and Kyle.
Back in Louisville.
Jack(hdracer) needs a break, back at the site.
Pork shoulder, sweet corn, tater salad, and beans. That's what I'm talking about.
I had to stop in Hebron, NE for gas twice. You would think with this much going on that they would have cell phone service here, but they don't.
Back in Okie Land. Yes, that one way sign is as big as that the pick-up truck.
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