Heading into St. Louis our fearless leader had to have a hamburger and pressed on into the biggest black rain cloud ever. Soaked to the bone before we could get off the road. We had company under the canopy of an out of business gas station. The rain still blew in underneath the canopy,
I lost an earplug again. I found it though.
Mark explains the benefits of riding in a rain storm.
The businessmen gentlemen sharing the canopy had actually ridden their SVO Harley to the 110th deal at Milwaukee. They had a Cadillac Escalade for a chase vehicle, too. Nice guys. They handed us some dry towels, probably nicer than the ones at our houses. We promptly wiped down our faces, glasses, wet crotches, etc. They looked at us funny as they used their towels to wipe down their bikes.
We dried out surpringly quickly going down the road. We almost got killed a few times on the super slab. We stopped for gas tried to help these idiots with a dead battery. Watching them try to push start it was a complete cluster. Then we forgot to get our change from pre-paying for our gas.
I'm pretty sure this is the first time on this trip Mark actually looked at a map.
Joplin KOA by OH-Dark:30.
Somewhere on Route 66 in Oklahoma, Mark cut out for Texas and Ed and Trish stopped in Grand Lake to see some folks. I motored on.
Ed loves black tape.
We stopped at the shop in Sapulpa. Awesome motorcycle shop. Great people.
Yes, that is a fully functional 750 SOHC chop that he put on a pole for a sign.
He fixed this tire one time, too.
Not much more to say on the return trip. Route 66 coming into OKC seemed a lot smoother going out than coming home for sure. My bike needs some attention, but didn't blow up, so that's a start. About 1300 miles or so in week, not bad for a hardtail bike that I hadn't really rode for about two years. When is the next ShovelFest going to be?
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