Okay, I'm going to mount the other bag from a set of throwovers on the left side of my Vulcan like I did with the Shovelhead.(
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs023.snc4/33526_1423641063617_1010435000_31026508_2400855_n.jpg) This is a bit more tricky with swing arm frame. I started with a set of Kawasaki Fire and Steel bag supports. They should fit like this.

That's too far back especially if I want to cut down that rear fender. So let's move it forward. Like this.

Cut the tab off first.

Dress the edge a bit.

This hole is threaded, but need a through hole.

These holes don't like up, but I knew that already.

Black pipe persuation.

A little at a time and you're there.
This is good, but I need to buy bolts. I had some too long and too short.
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